Red Mosque, originally known as Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque, is located in Colombo. Rising out of the busyness of the second cross street in Pettah. Colombo had always been a welcoming hub for international trade, where Arabs frequented and populated enormously. They had to perform their five-times compulsory daily rituals. For that reason, the Indian Muslim …

Evolution & the development of Dambulla cave temple over the centuries

Located in central province of Sri Lanka, the Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple is a living Buddhist site that is focused on a series of five cave shrines. There are clear evidence of this cave temple was inhabited by forest-dwelling Buddhist monks for 23 centuries. These natural caves have been transformed continuously throughout the historical period …

Dambulla ,Sri Lanka, A travel guide to a UNESCO Heritage Site of Sri Lanka

Dambulla is a UNESCO World Heritage site located 149 km away from Colombo. There are many things you can do in Dambulla from visiting ancient places to rural village visits , but today I am only gonna talk about Dambulla Uyanwatta Temple and Dambulla Cave complex. History ,features & the importance : Construction on This …